Thursday, 25 July 2013

Potatoes - Grow your own


When cash is at a low, growing your own is a way to ensure you still get lots of healthy fruit and veg. I've noticed how expensive fruit and veg is in the shops now. Being able to pop out into the front yard to pick some spinach, radishes and pulling up potatoes feels rather satisfying and a little wholesome.

On my last visit home my Mum and Dad gave me 5 spuds to chit; this is simply leaving them on the window ledge until they sprout.  I popped them into a growing bag in the front yard, poured in some soil and topped up the soil every time a shoot came through.

You can get really cheap bags of chitting potatoes from places like Wilkos/Wilkinsons or B&Q etc.

3 months later I have enough spuds to last through at least 6 meals for 3 people. OK, OK it's not going to last me through a harsh winter and I'll never be self sufficient but its a lot more than the 5 potatoes I started with. And yes, it did cost me £2 for a bag of soil but I feel a little self-sufficient.

Sampling them tonight with a chicken kiev and veg!

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