Saturday, 10 September 2011

Pre-gig, 6 minute meal (could be northerners only)

Staffordshire oatcakes are a northern food, I really don't know if they sell these down south so apologies if i'm only addressing the northerners.

If you are rushing in from Uni and know you are pretty much straight back out again to a gig or meeting up for a night out clubbing then  this is the snack for you.

It's recommended that you eat again later in the evening and my late eat was a shish kebab with loads of salad and chilli sauce. Think I may try and cook something similar!

After grilling

Folded and ready to eat in 6 minutes

What you'll need to cook:

a frying pan and a grill.

2 staffordshire oatcakes (savoury pancake)
1/2 small leek
4 small mushrooms
splash of olive oil or small knob of butter (butter always makes mushrooms taste better)
1-2 ounces of cheddar cheese (or whatever type is in the fridge)

Grill (leccy) 4 or gas medium heat.

Chop and fry the leek and mushrooms together in the frying pan for around 3 minutes or until soft.
Grill one side of the oatcakes for 1 minute, turn over and add the contents of the frying pan to both and top with the grated cheese.
Grill for 2 minutes.   Job done.

Fold oatcake onto a plate and eat.


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